Publikasi Dosen yang Disitasi

No.Nama Dosenudul Artikel yang Disitasi (Jurnal, Volume, Tahun, Nomor, Halaman)Jumlah Sitasi
1Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PDetermination of combining ability and heterosis of grain yield components for maize mutants based on line× tester analysis. (Asian Journal of Crop Science, Volume 7, Tahun 2015, Nomor 1, Halaman 19-33)26
2Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PGGE biplot analysis for combining ability of grain yield and early maturity in maize mutant in Indonesia. (Asian Journal of Crop Science, Volume 7, Tahun 2015, Nomor 3, Halaman 163-173)7
3Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PAssessment of sweetcorn hybrids under sweetcorn/chilli pepper intercropping in West Java, Indonesia. (Journal of Agronomy, Volume 15, Tahun 2016, Nomor 3, Halaman 94)13
4Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PEvaluation of high yielding maize hybrids based on combined stability analysis, sustainability index, and GGE biplot (Asian Journal of Crop Science, Volume 2022, Tahun 2022)14
5Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PSeleksi kultivar kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) berdasarkan penampilan karakter agronomis di dataran medium kabupaten garut. (JAGROS: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Sains (Journal of Agrotechnology Science), Volume 3, Tahun 2018, Nomor 1, Halaman 1-10)2
6Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PKelimpahan Serangga Pada Berbagai Jenis Tumpangsari Kacang Kedelai Dengan Tanaman Refugia (Jurnal Agrotek Indonesia, Volume 6, Tahun 2021, Nomor 2, Halaman 44-48)6
7Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PCorrelation and path coefficient analysis of heat stress tolerance characters in potato (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 3, Tahun 2019, Nomor 3)3
8Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PSeleksi jagung hibrida UNPAD berdasarkan komponen hasil dan parameter tumpangsari pada sistem tanam tumpang sari jagung-ubi jalar (Jurnal Agro, Volume 9, Tahun 20222, Nomor 1, Halaman 1-11)2
9Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PBudidaya tanaman paprika (Capsicum annum var. Grossum) secara hidroponik dengan sistem irigasi tetes di P4S Tottal Cantigi Farm (Jurnal Community Empowerment, Volume 6, Tahun 2021, Nomor 8, Halaman 1545-1556)2
10Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PMorphological Characterization of Two Glutinous Rice Landraces from Garut (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 995, Tahun 2022, Nomor 1, Halaman 1545-1556)1
11Jajang Supriatna, S.P., M.PEvaluasi kegenjahan dan daya hasil jagung manis hibrida Indonesia menggunakan analisis GGE biplot pada lingkungan yang berbeda (Kultivasi, Volume 20, Tahun 2021, Nomor 2, Halaman 120-128)1
12Yati Setiati Rachmawati, S.P., M.PEfektivitas Jumlah Telur Corcyra cephalonica Terparasitasi Trichogramma sp. terhadap
Presentasi Telur yang Terparasit dan Jumlah Larva Penggerek Batang Tebu Bergaris (Chilo
sacchariphagus) (Jurnal Agro 3 (1), 2016 P: 43-48)
13Yati Setiati Rachmawati, S.P., M.PUtilization of rice wastewater as an alternative
medium for growth and quality of Shiitake
mushrooms (Lentinula edodes)(Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 033034
IOP Publishing
14Yati Setiati Rachmawati, S.P., M.PUtilization cow urine and liquid organic fertilizer
weed to production of tomato varieties timoti F1 (IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (2018) 012296 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/434/1/012296)
15Yati Setiati Rachmawati, S.P., M.PUtilization of selenium in baglog waste to increase antioxidant and storability of broccoli (IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 052079
IOP Publishing
16Yati Setiati Rachmawati, S.P., M.PGrowth of mycelium oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in
medium rice wastewater with coconut water (IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (2021) 052008
IOP Publishing
17Dr. Liberty Chaidir, M.SiStudi Tingkat Ploidi pada Lili (Lilium sp.) Hasil Kultur Antera Melalui Penghitungan Jumlah Kloroplas dan Kromosom22
18Dr. Liberty Chaidir, M.SiIdentifikasi, dan perbanyakan tanaman ciplukan (Physalis angulata) dengan menggunakan metode generatif dan vegetatif18
19Dr. Liberty Chaidir, M.SiEksplorasi dan Karakterisasi Tanaman Genjer (Limnocharis flava (L.) Buch) di Kabupaten Pangandara5
20Dr. Liberty Chaidir, M.SiKeragaman dan kekerabatan genetik koleksi plasma nutfah teh berdasarkan karakter morfologi daun dan komponen hasil4
21Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PPengaruh Pertumbuhan Tanaman Nilam Aceh (Pogostemon cablin Benth.) dengan Penambahan Naftalen Asam Asetat (NAA)4
22Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PKeragaman dan kekerabatan genetik koleksi plasma nutfah teh berdasarkan karakter morfologi daun dan komponen hasil4
23Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PEksplorasi, Identidfikasi, dan Perbanyakan Tanaman Ciplukan (Physalis Angulata L.) dengan Menggunakan Metode Generatif dan Vegetatif1
24Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PAnalysis of sound frequency exposure at growing phase of Chrysanthemum sp.(Case study: Exposure by Quran recitation)5
25Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PEffect of various lighting colours treatment at growth and flowering of Chrysanthemum Morifolium1
26Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PPelatihan Bangga Menjadi Petani Hidroponik Pada Komunitas Pemuda Di Desa Cigugur Girang Kabupaten Bandung Barat1
27Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PEffect of Sucrose on in vitro Bud Multiplication of Torch Ginger (Etlingera elatior)2
28Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PMorphological Characterization of Etlingera Elatior (Jack) Explorated in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia1
29Esty Puri Utami, SP, MsiThe mechanical and chemical scarification to break dormancy and increasing vigor of Sunan candlenut seed (IOP CONF. SERIES EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 694 (2021) 012028 DOI:10.1099/1755-1315/694/1/012028)4
31Esty Puri Utami, SP, MsiTeknik Budidaya Tumpangsari Buncis Kenya (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) di Gapoktan Lembang Agri(Media Agribisnis 6, 2022,1, 1-10)3
32Esty Puri Utami, SP, MsiAnalisis Usahatani Budidaya Tanaman Selada Kepala Secara Konvensional (Media Agribisnis 5, 2021, 2, 150-161)2
33Esty Puri Utami, SP, MsiPerlakuan Priming Benih untuk Mempertahankan Vigour Benih Kacang Panjang (Vigna unguiculata) Selama Penyimpanan16
34Esty Puri Utami, SP, MsiIncreasing of oil palm seedling vigor through seed enrichment with Trichoderma asperellum, Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and Enterobacter sacchari.
Menara Perkebunan 2018 Vol.86 No.2 pp.72-80 ref.19
35Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiPotensi Beauveria bassiana sebagai agens hayati Spodoptera litura Fabr. pada tanaman kedelai (Agrikultura tahun 2018 vol. 29. No 1)31
36Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiPengaruh Kombinasi Dosis Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan Pupuk Kandang Kambing Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Pagoda (Brassicaee narinosa L.) (Agroscript Tahun 2020 vol 2 no 1)17
37Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiTingkat serangan Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith pada pertanaman jagung di Kota Tasikmalaya dan perkembangannya di laboratorium (Agrovigor tahun 2021 Vol 14 no 2)9
38Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiBioactivity of Spagneticola trilobata flower extract against fall army worm Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith (Cropsaver Tahun 2020 Vol 3 no 2)9
39Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiAktivitas Insektisida Ekstrak Tithonia Diversifolia (Hemsl.) a Gray (Asteraceae) Terhadap Ulat Daun Kubis Plutella Xylostella (L.)(Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) (JHPTropika tahun 2017Vol 17 No 2)5
40Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiDaun Sirsak (Annona muricata) sebagai Pestisida Nabati pada Sistem Budidaya dalam Ember (JPPM Tahun 2021 Vol 5 No 1)5
41Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiPertumbuhan dan hasil padi melalui penambahan hara silika cair pada tingkat cekaman salinitas berbeda (Agrovigor tahun 2021 vol 14 no 1)5
42Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiBurung Hantu (Tyto alba) Sebagai Pengendali Tikus Sawah (Rattus argentiventer) di Desa Parakannyasag Kota Tasikmalaya (Jurnal Abdimas Kartika Wijayakusuma Tahun 2020 vol 1 no 1)4
43Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiWeed vegetation analysis in Universitas Perjuangan of Tasikmalaya (J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1179 01213) tahun 20194
44Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiThe effect of gamma radiation on the growth of black rice plants generation m1 (IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 672 012011) tahun 20214
45Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiKeefektifan Trichoderma sp. dalam Mengendalikan Layu Fusarium pada Tanaman Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.) (Agroscript tahun 2021 vol 3 no 1)3
46Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiRespon pertumbuhan vegetatif padi varietas IPB 4S pada kondisi cekaman kekeringan (Agromix 2020 vol 11 no 2)3
47Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiAnalisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padi Varietas IPB 4S pada Media Tanam dengan Tingkat Cekaman Kekeringan Berbeda (Jurnal Galung Tropika 2020 vol 9 no 2)3
48Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiEffect of Maternal Cytoplasmic on Agronomic Characters of the Result of Crossing Black× White Rice (Advances in Biological Sciences Research 20212
49Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiMorphology Performance On Six Black Rice Accessions (Oryza Sativa L.) In M1 Generation Irradiated By Gamma Rays (JERAMI 2021 vol 3 no 2)2
50Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiBudidaya Ikan Dalam Ember: Solusi Alternatif Pemenuhan Kebutuhan gan Keluarga di Masa Pandemik Covid-19 (Community Empowerment Tahun 2021 Vol 6 no 2)2
51Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiPengaruh Aplikasi Ekstrak Kasar Daun Sphagneticola Trilobata Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Larva SpodopteraLitura (Jurnal Agro 2020, vol 6 no 1)2
52Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiPengaruh dosis pupuk silika padat terhadap pertumbuhan padi hitam lokal aksesi Tasikmalaya (Agroscript 2022, vol 4 no 1)1
53Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiPenerimaan Konsumsi Nasi Beras Hitam Untuk Mencegah Penyakit Diabetes di KWT Zahra (JEC 2021 vol 3 no 1)1
54Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiToxicity of sphagneticola trilobata extracts against spodoptera litura larva (2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 672 012099)1
55Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiTakhrij and Syarah Hadith of Agrotechnology: The Role of Olives for Health (Vol. 1 (2021): Conference on Islamic and Socio-Cultural Studies (CISS) )1
56Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiTakhrij and Syarah Hadith of Agrotechnology Soil Quality in Planting (Vol. 1 (2021): Conference on Islamic and Socio-Cultural Studies (CISS))1
57Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiTakhrij and Syarah Hadith of Agrotechnology Study of Black Cumin Plants as Medicine (Vol. 1 (2021): Conference on Islamic and Socio-Cultural Studies (CISS))1
58Efrin Firmansyah, S.P., M.SiRespons pertumbuhan dan perkembangan larva spodoptera litura terhadap aplikasi ekstrak daun Sphagneticola trilobata (Jurnal Agro, 2020, Vol 8 no 1)1
60Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Bertanam selada hidroponik konsep dan aplikasi Buku Tahun 2019, Jumlah Hal. 3716
61Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Utilization of rice husk silicate extract to improve the productivity of paddy Ciherang cultivar, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 25, 2019, No.320
62Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The effect of hydroponics systems on the growth of lettuce, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, No. 1098, 2021, No. 421
63Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Formulasi Nutrisi Hidroponik AB Mix dengan Aplikasi MS Excel dan Hydrobuddy, 20178
64Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The effect of liquid organic fertilizer of vegetable waste and planting media on growth and yield of strawberry (Fragaria spp.) Earlibrite cultivar, Vol. 334, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019,No. 112
65Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Evaluasi Nutrisi Hidroponik Alternatif Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Mentimun Jepang Varietas Roberto pada Hidroponik Irigasi Tetes Infus, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian UNS, Vol. 2, 2018, No.18
66Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Growth and yield of hydroponic watermelon with straw compost substrate and gibereline (GA3) application, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 434(, 2018, No. 16
67Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Analisis potensi kerusakan tanah untuk produksi ubi kayu (Manihot utilisima) pada lahan kering di Kecamatan Tanjungsiang, Kabupaten Subang, Jurnal Agro Vo. 1, 2014, No.14
68Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The effects of subtrat composition on the growth of Brassica oleraceae Var. Achepala with drip hydroponic, Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol 1402, 2109, No. 38
69Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The evaluation of various nutrient formulation on the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa Var. Arista) in hydroponic raft system at tropic region, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, No. 1402, 2019, No.38
70Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Penanaman pohon sebagai upaya menjaga cadangan air tanah dan mencegah bahaya erosi di kecamatan cibiru, Al-Khidmat, No.2, 2019, No.18
71Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The effect of vermicompost application on the growth of lettuce plant (Lactuca sativa L.), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, No. 1402, 2019, No. 32
72Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The Effect of Rice Husk Silicate Extract on Plant Height, Electrical Conductivity and pH of Paddy Hydroponics, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, No. 334, 2019, Vol.16
73Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Pengaruh Dosis Bokashi Jerami Padi Sebagai Sumber Silika Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tiga Varietas Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.), Jurnal Agro, No,6, 2109, Vo. 25
74Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Evaluasi Kriteria Kerusakan tanah untuk Produksi Biomassa pada Lahan Kering di Kabupaten Subang, SoilREns, No.14, 2016, No.12
75Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Pemanfaatan Citra Landsat 8 dan Google Earth untuk Identifikasi Lahan Sawah di Kecamatan Cibiru Kota Bandung, E-Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika (Journal of Tropical Agroecotechnology), Vo. 3, 2018, No.13
76Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.A new approach of soil degradation assessment for biomass production in Subang District West Java Province, OP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, No. 393, 2019, No. 13
77Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Application of rice husk silicate extract to increment growth of indoor hydroponic lettuce, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, No. 542, 2020, No.12
78Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Application of Various Dosage Vermicompost and Shade on Growth and Yield of Lowland Cabbage, Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry No.13, 2018, N0. 41
79Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.Pengaruh konsentrasi Si biogenic dan N-total terhadap pertumbuhan dan konsentrasi nitrat tanaman selada hidroponik, Jurnal Agro, No. 8, 2021, Vol.11
80Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The effect of silica source concentration to improve growth of Lactuca sativa L. on floating hydroponic system, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, No.782, 2021, Vol. 41
81Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The effectiveness of the application method of liquid organic fertilizer in different concentration on lettuce, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, No. 694, 2021, No.11
82Dr. Budy Frasetya Taufik Qurrohman, STP., MP.The Effect of Various Total Nitrogen (Total-N) Concentrations in Hydroponic Nutrient on The Growth of Kailan Crop (Brassica oleraceae L.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islam, Science and Technology, ICONISTECH 2019, No. 1, 2019, Vol.11
83Adjat Sudrajat, Ir., M.PApplication of Paclobutrazol and Electrical Conductivity value of nutrient solutions to improve yield and quality Cucumis sativus L var Japanese on the hydroponic system1
84Adjat Sudrajat, Ir., M.PTakhrij and Syarah Hadith of Agrotechnology Farming as Part of Alms (Gunung Djati Conference Series)2
85Ida Yusidah, S.P., M.PThe abilities of spent
mushroom substrate to suppress basal rot disease (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp,
cepae) in shallot, 13, 2018, 1, 440 - 448
86Ida Yusidah, S.P., M.PThe effect of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Rhizhobium sp bacteria on growth and yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L), 739, 2021, 1, 0120771
87Ida Yusidah, S.P., M.PTakhrij and Syarah Hadith of Agrotechnology Study of Planting Citrus Pest Free (Gunung Djati Conference Series, Volume 1, Tahun 2021)1
88Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PAdjustment of Phosphorus Concentration to Increase Growth and Yield of Cherry Tomato
Using Hydroponic Drip System (Jurnal Agro, 5(2), 140-147.
89Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PMycorrhizal Fungi and Organic Matter Affect Some Physical Properties of Andisols (Soil Water Journal Vol 2 No 2(1), 2013 (ISSN 2146-7072), pp. 639-644)5
90Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PGrowth and Yield of Chili in Nutrient Film Technique at Different Electrical Conductivity (IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (2018) 012034 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/288/1/012034)5
91Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PGrowth and yield of chili on post-mine sandpits treated by Arbuscular Micorhizal fungi and organic matter (IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (2018) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/434/1/012110)5
92Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PImprovement of Physical Properties of
Inceptisols and Yield of Sweet Corn Affected by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Manure Applications (in 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security: A Comprehensive Approach, KnE Life Sciences, pages 158–163. DOI 10.18502/kls.v2i6.1033)
93Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PRhizobacteria selection to enhance spore germination and hyphal length of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in vitro (Asian Economic and Social Society
ISSN (P): 2304-1455, ISSN (E): 2224-4433 Volume 3 No. 4 April 2013)
94Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PApplication of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Bokashi and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Improve Soil Physical Properties of Post-Mine Sandpits and Yield of Chili (Capsicum frustescens L.) (Agrosainstek, 4(2) 2020:95-102)6
95Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PMetabolisme karbon dalam simbiosis fungi mikoriza Arbuskula (CEFARS : Jurnal Agribisnis dan Pengembangan Wilayah Vol. 4 No. 1 Desember 2012)4
96Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PMicroaggregate and macroaggregate of andisol affected by arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria (IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 334 (2019) 012025
IOP Publishing
97Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PSinergisme Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula dan Mycorrhiza Helper Bacteria dalam Meningkatkan Stabilitas Agregat Tanah, Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kentang pada Takaran Bahan Organik Berbeda (Indonesian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013)3
98Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PThe effect of swimmer crab flour (Protunus pelagicus) and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on flowering and yield of Japanese Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)(Journal of Physics, Volume: 1402, Tahun:2109, Nomor:3)3
99Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PVarious planting media and boron concentrations supporting growth and yield of melon on drip irrigation hydroponic system (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental, 20212
100Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PDiversity of morphological characters of 30 local torch ginger accessions from Pangandaran of West Java of Indonesia (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental, 2019)2
101Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PUtilization of Phytase to Overcome Phytic Acid in Broiler Diet (WARTAZOA. Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2017)2
102Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PEffects of growth media compositions for plant growth of Inpari 13 rice (Oryza sativa L.) on substrate hydroponic system (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Enginering, 2021)1
103Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PAplikasi bahan organik dan fungi mikoriza arbuskula untuk mendukung produksi sayuran pada tanah pasca galian C (Prosiding Seminar Nasional Agroteknologi, 2019)1
104Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.P., M.PSynthesis of Zinc Nanoparticles Using Plant Extract for Broiler's Feed Additive (Wartazoa-Buletin Ilmu Peternakan Dan Kesehatan Hewan Indonesia, 2018)1
105Dr. Ir. Ahmad Taofik, MP.Pemanfaatan Pupuk Organik Cair Paitan (Tithonia Diversifolia) Pada Berbagai Dosis Dan Ragam Aplikasinya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kailan (Brassica Oleracea Var. Acephala), 11, 2020, 1, 25-322
106Dr. Ir. Ahmad Taofik, MP.The effectiveness of the application method of liquid organic fertilizer in different concentration on lettuce, 694, 2021, 1, 0120241
107Dr. Ir. Ahmad Taofik, MP.The Effect of Planting Media on Growth and Yield of Red Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) in Aquaponic System, ICONISTECH 2019, 2021, EAI1
108Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Pengaruh Berbagai Nilai EC (Eectrical Conductivity) Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Bayam (Amarantus, sp) Pada Hidroponik Sistim Rakit Apung (Floating Hydroponic System) (Istek, Volume 9, Tahun 2015, Nomor 2, Halaman 136-152)63
109Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan (Buku Daras. Gunung Djati Press, Jilid 1, Terbitan 1, Halaman 167)39
110Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Suitability of Corcyra cephalonica eggs parasitized with Trichogramma japonicum as intermediate host against sugarcane borer Chilo auricilius. (Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 23, Tahun 2017, Nomor 5)18
111Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.The effect of fertilizers on the growth and the yield of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud) (Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Volume 2, Tahun 2012, Halaman 126-135)7
112Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Economic Analysis of Potato Seed in West Java, Indonesia (Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 10, 2020, 4, 756-763)4
113Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.A review of Egyptian afforestation program and its effect on agriculture (Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Developmnet, 9, 2019, 1, 1-18)11
114Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.The crossing effect of dragon fruit plant caltivars (Hylocereus Sp.) on yield (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, 2018, 2, 762-765)11
115Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Production of reserpine of Rauwolfia serpentina (L) kurz ex benth through in vitro culture enriched with plant growth regulators of NAA and kinetin (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, 2018, 2.29, 274-278)7
116Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Efisiensi Pupuk nitrogen dan fosfor dengan penambahan pupuk hayati pada tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) Varietas Pertiwi-3 (Jurnal Istek, 10, 2017, 1, 206-225)5
117Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Keefektifan insektisida BPMC dan ekstrak daun suren terhadap hama wereng batang coklat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) dan populasi musuh alami pada padi varietas ciherang (Agrikultura, 27, 2016, 3, 160-166)5
118Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Tingkat efisiensi dan efektivitas pupuk hayati dalam mensubstitusi pupuk nitrogen dan fosfor pada tanaman jagung (Zea Mays L.) (Jurnal Agrista, 20, 2016, 3, 140-149)4
119Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Pengaruh 6-Benzil Amino Purin dan Asam Naftalin Asetat Terhadap Pertumbuhan Jarak Pagar Secara in Vitro (I’TIBAR, 3, 2016, 6, 210-224)1
121Prof. Dr. H. M. Subandi, Drs., Ir., MP.Physiological pattern of leaf growth at various plucking cycles applied to newly released clones of tea plant (Camellia sinensis LO Kuntze) (Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 3, 2013, 7, 497-504)5
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